How to collect performance data when Perfstat8 fails by using preset files and manual data collection
Applies to
- Data ONTAP 8 7-mode
- This article is intended to be used only if Perfstat8 is failing to collect performance data or for urgent data gathering situations
- Note:
- Performance archives are the primary collection method of performance data on ONTAP 9
- Perfstat8 should only be collected on Data ONTAP 8.2 or if directed by Support, and perfstat7 for Data ONTAP 8 7-mode.
- See the perfstat omnibus for download links and directions for your operating system.
- Note:
- Perfstat8 can have issues collecting against a cluster with one or more nodes under CPU pressure or due to network issues.
- This can result in failed Perfstats or Perfstats with partial data, primarily missing the stats * outputs.
- Errors may be seen similar to below:
[03-24-2016 23:03:00] ERROR Error in sending command to the controller
[03-24-2016 23:09:45] ERROR No activity for more than 5 minutes. Giving up...
[06-23-2016 10:32:23] ERROR Error in sending command to the controller
[06-23-2016 10:32:23] ERROR Lost SSH connection. Reconnecting...