How to collect a Perfstat7 in Windows
Applies to
- Data ONTAP 8 7-mode
- Windows 7 to 10
- Windows Server 2008 to 2019 or newer
- SSH must be used to collect Perfstats from Windows 7, Server 2008, and newer. Perfstat 7.39 uses openSSH.
- The latest Data ONTAP 7-Mode version of Perfstat can be located here.
- Note:
- Perfstat only collects data from the time it is running.
- Therefore, run the perfstat data collector during a time the problem is perceived, unless otherwise instructed by NetApp support.
- If you wish to use the GUI, please see our article on collecting perfstat7 from the GUI for Windows.
- Perfstat only collects data from the time it is running.