delete LIF error - command failed: invalid operation
Applies to
- Attempt to unjoin a cluster node fails with error.
clus01::*> cluster unjoin -node a200n1
Warning: This command will remove node "a200n1" from the cluster. You must remove the failover partner as well. After the node is successfully removed, erase its configuration and initialize all disks by using the "Clean configuration and initialize all disks (4)" option from the boot menu.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 49617] Job is queued: Cluster remove-node of Node:a200n1 with UUID:ef8597c5-17de-11e8-9a12-00a098b84809.
Error: command failed: [Job 49617] Job failed:
Failed to delete failover-group "fg_vlan_90" because it is still in use by the following LIFs: <vserver: svm_servers, LIF: svm_servers_admin_lif1>. Reassign these LIFs to use a new failover-group, then retry the cluster unjoin operation.
- Commands to modify the LIF failover group fail with the error
invalid operation
clus01::> net int modify -vserver svm_servers -lif svm_servers_admin_lif1 -failover-group fg_vlan_600
(network interface modify)
Error: command failed: invalid operation