What is the ARP Snapshot option "arw.snap.new.extns.interval.hours"
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.13.1
- Autonomous Ransomware Protection (ARP) Snapshot
This option specifies the interval (in hours) between the Anti-ransomware generated snapshot copies for the new extension based detection. A new Anti-ransomware snapshot copy will be created when a new file extension is observed, and the previous snapshot created upon observing a new file extension is older than this specified interval. On a workload that frequently creates new file extensions, this interval helps in controlling the frequency of the snapshot copies created by Anti-ransomware. There is another option arw.snap.create.interval.hours
which specifies the interval between the Anti-ransomware generated snapshot copies for the data entropy based detection. The supported values for the -option-value parameter include integers from 24 to 8760. The default value of this option is 48.
Additional Information
For more information about ARP Snapshot options, see Modify options for automatic Snapshot copies