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What conditions require to run volume move trigger-cutover command?

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If exceptions occur that cause cutover to be aborted or deferred, it requires to run volume move trigger-cutover command to restart the cutover process.
For more details, refer to the document below:

volume move start
[-cutover-action {abort_on_failure|defer_on_failure|force|wait|retry_on_failure}] - Action for Cutover
Specifies the action to be taken for cutover. 
If the effective cluster version is Data ONTAP 8.3 and later, the default is retry_on_failure ; otherwise the default is defer_on_failure
If the abort_on_failure action is specified, the job tries to cutover until cutover attempts are exhausted. If it fails to cutover, it cleans up and ends the operation. 
If the defer_on_failure action is specified, the job tries to cutover until the cutover attempts are exhausted. If it fails to cutover, it moves into the "cutover_hard_deferred" state. The volume move job waits to issue a volume move trigger-cutover command to restart the cutover process. 
If the force action is specified, the job tries to cutover until the cutover attempts are exhausted and forces the cutover at the expense of disrupting the clients. 
If the wait action is specified, when the job hits the decision point, it does not go into cutover automatically, instead it waits to issue a volume move trigger-cutover command as the signal to try the cutover. Once cutover is manually triggered, the cutover action changes to defer_on_failure
If the retry_on_failure action is specified, the job retries to cutover indefinitely and it never enters a "hard-deferred" state.  After exhausting cutover attempts, the move job waits one hour before trying to cutover again. Issue a volume move trigger-cutover command at any time to restart the cutover process.

Additional Information

Commands for moving volume

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