Setting the user password expiration date to 90 days will also apply to admin user?
Applies to
ontap98::*> security login role config show -vserver ontap98 -role admin
Vserver: ontap98
Role Name: admin
Minimum Username Length Required: 3
Username Alpha-Numeric: disabled
Minimum Password Length Required: 8
Password Alpha-Numeric: enabled
Minimum Number of Special Characters Required in the Password: 0
Password Expires In (Days): 2
Require Initial Password Update on First Login: disabled
Maximum Number of Failed Attempts: 0
Maximum Lockout Period (Days): 0
Disallow Last 'N' Passwords: 6
Delay Between Password Changes (Days): 0
Delay after Each Failed Login Attempt (Secs): 4
Minimum Number of Lowercase Alphabetic Characters Required in the Password: 0
Minimum Number of Uppercase Alphabetic Characters Required in the Password: 0
Minimum Number of Digits Required in the Password: 0
Display Warning Message Days Prior to Password Expiry (Days): 1
Account Expires in (Days): unlimited
Maximum Duration of Inactivity before Account Expiration (Days): unlimited
ontap98::*> date
Node Date Time zone
--------- ------------------------ -------------------------
Sun Nov 19 11:51:06 2023 Asia/Shanghai
ontap98::*> date 202311201152
login as: admin
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
| Password:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
Last login time: 11/19/2023 11:50:03
Warning: Your password will expire in 0 days. Use the "security login password" command to change your password.
ontap98::*> date 202311211156
login as: admin
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
| Password:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
Last login time: 11/20/2023 11:52:29
Your password has expired. Choose a new password.
Enter a new password: