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NetApp Knowledge Base

Security anti-ransomware volume attack generate-report output

Last Updated:

Applies to


  • When generating a report for security anti-ransomware volume attack generate-report it will display a list of files that are suspected to be potential ransomware.
  • The report is run with the command

Cluster_CLI::> security anti-ransomware volume attack generate-report -volume <affected volume> -dest-path <data SVM>:<shared volume hosted by the data SVM>/

Example output:

Report "report_file_vs1vol1_30-03-2021_16-11-38" available at path "vs1:vol1/".

The file will be of a format as shown, with no actual column header names:

(File sequence) (Time and date of report)    (File Name) (Report Indicator)
1               "7/30/2024 15:33:36"        /file.5856        1
2               "7/30/2024 15:33:36"        /file.5857        2
3               "7/30/2024 15:33:36"        /file.5858        1
4               "7/30/2024 15:33:36"        /file.5862        1
5               "7/30/2024 15:33:36"        /file.5864        2

  • The Report Indicator resolves to:

1 - that indicates: 'File extension type:  An extension that does not conform to the normal extension type'.

2 - that indicates: 'Entropy: an evaluation of the randomness of data in a file'.

  • Any files in the report would then need to be examined for integrity from the corresponding host.

Additional Information

Note: A 0 byte file will be created if there is nothing to report.
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