Periodic switch data collection for NetApp Cluster Switches doesn't work
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.7P14
- Cluster Network Switch (CNS) Cisco NX3232C with NX-OS fw. 7.0(3)I7(9) and RCF_v1.6_MetroCluster-IP file
- Cluster switch log collection doesn't prompt for CNS admin password. Example:
::*> system cluster-switch log setup-password
Enter the switch name: cnswitch01(ABBC12345D6E)
RSA key
fingerprint is 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:10:11:12:13:14:16
Do you want to continue? {y|n}:: yes
- Log collection enablement fails. Example:
::*> system cluster-switch log enable-collection
Do you want to enable cluster log collection for all nodes in the cluster? {y|n}: y
cnswitch01(ABBC12345D6E)Error: Cluster switch password has not been configured on the cluster - aborting.
- No errors reported in the cluster. Example:
::> system health alert show
This table is currently empty.
::> system cluster-switch log show
Log Collection Enabled: false
Index Switch Log Timestamp Status
------ ------------------------ --------- ------
1 cnswitch01(ABBC12345D6E) - -
2 cnswitch02(ABBC12345D6F) - -
2 entries were displayed.
- Normal SSH login with admin user to the CNS, works.