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NetApp Knowledge Base

Node goes down when attempting to perform takeover

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 8.3 Cluster Mode
  • Takeover in progress


  • When shutting down a node, the HA partner panics when trying to perform takeover
SP console log
PANIC: Failover Monitor: unable to transit - takeover process is hung (wafl) in SK process cf_main on release 8.3 (C) on Mon Sep 21 16:22:12 CEST 2020
version: 8.3: Mon Mar  9 19:20:57 PDT 2015
  • The takeover fails and becomes disabled on reboot
EMS log
[Node1: cf_main:]: Failover monitor: forcing reboot to clear state
[Node1: cf_main:]: Failover monitor: Panic during takeover; takeover will be disabled on reboot.
  • Low memory message seen in EMS
[Node-1: scsit_lu_1: wafl.memory.statusLowMemory:warning]: WAFL is running low on memory, with 771MB remaining.


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