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NetApp Knowledge Base

How do I handle a maxdirsize event

Last Updated:
3/24/2023, 6:05:06 AM

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Cloud Volumes ONTAP
  • Data ONTAP 8
  • Directory size


There are several ways you can address a maxdirsize event:

  1. Create a new directory and place the new files in the new directory where possible
  2. Increase the maxdirsize- How to modify the maxdirsize in ONTAP 9?

Note: Regarding file deletion

  • If a large number of files have been deleted from a directory, you can reduce the directory space by completing the following steps:
  1. Copy the files into a temporary directory
  2. Delete the original directory
  3. Rename the temporary directory with the original directory name



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