Files can be accessed from a disconnected object store for tiering-policy all
Applies to
- FabricPool
- Volume with tiering-policy set to all
vol show-footprint
output shows that the data is on the capacity-tier- Data is still accessible on the performance-tier after cutting down the connection to the object-store.
cluster2::> vol show-footprint -volume vol1
(volume show-footprint)
Vserver : svm_t
Volume : vol1
Feature Used Used%
-------------------------------- ---------- -----
Volume Data Footprint 106.6MB 1%
Footprint in Performance Tier 4.35MB 4%
Footprint in sgws_663 104.7MB 96%
Volume Guarantee 0B 0%
Flexible Volume Metadata 13.38MB 0%
Delayed Frees 2.43MB 0%
Total Footprint 122.4MB 2%
cluster2::> net in show -role intercluster
(network interface show)
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
down/down cluster2-01 e0a true
cluster2::> object-store show
(storage aggregate object-store show)
Aggregate Object Store Name Availability Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- ------------- -----------
aggr5_cluster2 sgws_663 unavailable primary