Failed to attach aggregate to object store. The volume does not exist
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.7P4
- Cloud Volume ONTAP (CVO)
Creating a SnapMirror (SM) relationship to CVO with blob storage fails due to aggregate object store attach failing.
Error in MGWD:
00000005.0029cec6 084bb9d1 Wed Dec 02 2020 19:33:32 +00:00 [kern_mgwd:info:2242] 0x81f077a00: 8503e80000268a62: ERR: MGWD:aggr_iterator: attach_imp:src/tables/ aggr_iterator::populate_btuuid() returned error (12:591): "Failed to attach aggregate "aggr2" to object store "StorageAccount". Reason: The volume does not exist for the operation.". aggrName=aggr2, aggregate_uuid=97618eda-92f6-4c3c-9d2f-4083455f5454, filer_name=NODE-01.