Error: Breakout maps of 25g-4x and 50g-2x are not supported on 40G transceivers
Applies to
- Nexus N9K-C9336C-FX2
- Reference Configuration File (RCF)
- After new installation, cluster switch ports are incremting errors:
$ ssh admin@ "show interface counters errors non-zero"
Port Align-Err FCS-Err Xmit-Err Rcv-Err UnderSize OutDiscards
Eth1/7 231 0 78 231 0 0
Eth1/8 292 0 81 292 0 0
Eth1/9 218 0 172 221 0 0
Eth1/10 223 0 165 226 0 0
Port Single-Col Multi-Col Late-Col Exces-Col Carri-Sen Runts
Port Giants SQETest-Err Deferred-Tx IntMacTx-Er IntMacRx-Er Symbol-Err
Eth1/7 231 -- 0 78 0 0
Eth1/8 292 -- 0 81 0 0
Eth1/9 221 -- 0 172 0 0
Eth1/10 226 -- 0 165 0 0
- Found MTU set to 1500 on cluster switch ports: (example port)
switch# show int e1/7
Ethernet1/7 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Hardware: 1000/10000/25000/40000/50000/100000 Ethernet, address: b8a3.771c.048
c (bia b8a3.771c.048c)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 40000000 Kbit , DLY 10 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
- Found that the RCF was not being propoerly applied even after write-erase, reload
`switch# config terminal`
`switch(config)# banner motd #`
`switch(config)# interface breakout module 1 port 1-3 map 10g-4x`
`switch(config)# interface breakout module 1 port 4-6 map 25g-4x`
Error: Breakout maps of 25g-4x and 50g-2x are not supported on 40G transceivers
`switch(config)# interface e1/1/1-4, e1/2/1-4, e1/3/1-4, e1/4/1-4, e1/5/1-4, e1/6/1-4, e1/7-34`
Invalid range at '^' marker.
`switch(config)# inherit port-profile CLUSTER`
- Errors will continue until the RCF lines are complete:
% Invalid command at '^' marker.
`switch# end`
`switch# end`
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