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NetApp Knowledge Base

Cannot delete a vserver from the cluster

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.7P6
  • Storage Virtual Machine (SVM)
  • vserver


  • A vserver cannot be deleted from the system
  • The status is stuck on "deleting"

cluster01::*> vserver show -vserver <vserver_name> -instance

Vserver: <vserver_name>
Vserver Type: data
Vserver Subtype: default
Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
Vserver Admin State: deleting
Vserver Operational State: stopped
Vserver Operational State Stopped Reason: -

cluster01::> vserver delete -vserver <vserver_name> -foreground true

Warning: When Vserver "<vserver_name>" is deleted,
the following objects are automatically removed as well:
LIFs: 2
Routes: 1
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 4875] Job failed:
Timeout: Operation "vifmgr_virtual_interface_iterator::remove_imp()" took longer than 120 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "node02" (VSID: -3) to vifmgr at XXX.XXX.XXX.XX]
Wait a few minutes, and then try the Vserver delete operation again. If the error persists, contact technical support for assistance.

Error: command failed: [Job 4875] Job failed:
Timeout: Operation "vifmgr_virtual_interface_iterator::remove_imp()" took longer than 120 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node
"node02" (VSID: -3) to vifmgr at XXX.XXX.XXX.XX]
Wait a few minutes, and then try the Vserver delete operation again. If the error persists, contact technical support for

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