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NetApp Knowledge Base

Can wafliron be stopped

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9


WARNING: Wafliron should never be stopped unless instructed to do so by NetApp Technical Support.

It is possible to stop wafliron.  Use the following command:

::> set diagnostic
::*> storage aggregate wafliron stop -aggregate aggr1
WARNING: The current status of wafliron on aggregate aggr1 is 'starting'. Do
         you still want to continue? {y|n}:

If Wafliron is stopped, it will need to be re-started using the storage aggregate wafliron start command. 

If Wafliron is stopped in:

  • Phase 1 (Mount), it must start from the beginning. 
  • Phase 2 or 3, any changes committed to the point of reboot will be retained, however, Wafliron will start scanning again in Phase 1 after running the wafliron start command.


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