CONTAP-78470: Interface group member ports have a reachability status of "no-reachability"
- ifgrp (e.g. a0a) is healthy
- At least 1 member port (e.g. e0a) is degraded due to no-reachability or l2_reachability
- At least 1 member port is healthy
::> network port reachability show -fields expected-broadcast-domain,reachable-broadcast-domains,unreachable-ports,reachability-status -reachability-status !ok
node port expected-broadcast-domain reachable-broadcast-domains reachability-status unreachable-ports
-------------- ------- ------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
node1 e0e no-reachability node2:a0a
::> network port show
Node: node1
Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
a0a Default Data up 1500 -/- healthy
a0a-100 Default Data up 1500 -/- healthy
e0e Default - up 1500 auto/10000 degraded
e0f Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy
Note: Only member ports (e.g. e0e) are degraded, the ifgrp status and VLANs are healthy
::> network port ifgrp show
Port Distribution Active
Node ifgrp Function MAC Address Ports Ports
------ ------- ------------ -------------- ------- ---------------
node1 a0a ip aa:bb:cc:dd:ee full e0e,e0f
::> network port show -node node1 -port e0e -instance
Port: e0e
Link: up
Port Health Status: degraded
Ignore Port Health Status: false
Port Health Degraded Reasons: l2_reachability