"ctdpktloss" / Continued packet loss when pinging from cluster lif
Applies to
- AFF/ FAS systems
- Cisco Cluster network switch
system health alert show
command reports below error:
Resource: Ethernet1/10
Severity: Major
Indication Time: Mon Apr 24
13:01:43 2023
Suppress: false
Acknowledge: false
Probable Cause: The percentage of inbound packet errors of switch
interface "int/Ethernet1/10"
is above the warning threshold.
Possible Effect: Communication between nodes in the cluster might be
- Below errors are reported in EMS:
[?] Mon May 01 01:06:49 +0530 [NetApp-node1: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = ClusterIfInErrorsWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/10 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
[?] Mon May 01 01:06:49 +0530 [NetApp-node1: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = ClusterIfInErrorsWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/9 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
[?] Mon May 01 01:06:49 +0530 [NetApp-node1: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = ClusterIfOutErrorsWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/7 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
[?] Mon May 01 01:06:49 +0530 [NetApp-node1: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = ClusterIfOutErrorsWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/8 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
[?] Mon May 01 01:08:42 +0530 [NetApp-node1: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.ctdpktloss:alert]: Continued packet loss when pinging from cluster lif xxx (node NetApp-node1) to cluster lif xyx (node NetApp-node3).
[?] Mon May 01 01:08:53 +0530 [NetApp-node1: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.ctdpktloss:alert]: Continued packet loss when pinging from cluster lif xxy (node NetApp-node1) to cluster lif xyx (node NetApp-node3).
- MTU on switch port is 1500 as per show interface output:
Switch-01# show interface <interface name>
Ethernet1/8 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Hardware: 1000/10000/25000/40000/50000/100000 Ethernet, address: 806a.0023.eaf4 (bia 806a.0023.eaf4)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 40000000 Kbit , DLY 10 usec
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, medium is broadcast
- On storage end, the MTU size is set as 9000,same can be verified from
net port show
output from CLI