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NetApp Knowledge Base

Why do newly added NS224 shelves not show additional stack IDs in the cluster?

Last Updated:

Applies to

NS224 shelves


When adding a second direct-attached NS224 shelf, or multiple switch-attached NS224 shelves, the stack ID is still the same for every NS224 in the HA pair.

NS224 shelves are not "stacked" (daisy-chained from a storage port) in the same manner as SAS or FCAL, so all NS224 shelves will be considered as one stack for the purposes of stack IDs in the cluster.
Additional HA pairs will have unique stack IDs for that HA pair in the same cluster.

Additional Information

Below is an example of a 4 node cluster with two NS224 shelves added per HA pair. 

The stack ID for the first HA pair is "1" and the second HA pair is "2"
cluster::*> storage shelf show
shelf node              
----- ----------------- 
1.0   cluster-n1        
1.1   cluster-n2
2.0   cluster-n3 
2.1   cluster-n4 
4 entries were displayed.
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