Vserver failed to initialize during switchover
Applies to
- Vserver failed to initialize during switchover
- EMS:
Sat Sep 05 2020 12:53:10 GMT [netapp-01: bii_lu_qry: scsiblade.vol.lun.stale.map:ERROR]: Could not lookup the volume with MSID '0xc0002abclu' in Vserver 'svm_01'. This is an indication that there might be stale lun maps associated with the volume.
Sat Sep 05 2020 12:53:10 GMT [netapp-01: bii_lu_qry: scsiblade.vol.lun.stale.map:ERROR]: Could not lookup the volume with MSID '0xc0002abblu' in Vserver 'svm_01'. This is an indication that there might be stale lun maps associated with the volume.
Sat Sep 05 2020 12:53:10 GMT [netapp-01: BcomkaThr_01: scsiblade.vol.init.failed:EMERGENCY]: SAN configuration in Vserver svm_01 failed to initialize for volume with MSID 2147484718. Access to LUNs contained in this volume from this node is not available.