VMWare reports Initiator not Logged in
Applies to
- Brocade
- Virtual machines cannot log in.
- When verifying if the switch configuration is correct we can see that we are missing FC4s (disabled):
switch1:admin> nsshow
Type Pid COS PortName NodeName TTL(sec)
N 010000; 3;50:0a:09:81:12:34:56:78;50:0a:09:80:12:34:56:78; na
PortSymb: [46] "NetApp FC Target Adapter (8324) cluster1:0e"
NodeSymb: [40] "NetApp FAS8080 (cluster1-01/cluster1-02)"
Fabric Port Name: 20:00:50:eb:1a:2b:3c:4d
Permanent Port Name: 50:0a:09:81:12:34:56:78
Port Index: 0
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
Partial: No
N 010001; 3;20:00:00:a0:98:12:34:56;20:04:00:a0:98:12:34:56; na
PortSymb: [64] "NetApp FC Target Port (8324) fcp-svm:fcp-lif-01-0e"
NodeSymb: [29] "NetApp Vserver fcp-svm"
Fabric Port Name: 20:00:50:eb:1a:2b:3c:ed
Permanent Port Name: 50:0a:09:81:12:34:56:78
Port Index: 0
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
Partial: No
- In the example above, the LIF and port have logged into the fabric, but FC4 is not enabled. The entry for the LIF should show
N 010001; 3;20:00:00:a0:98:12:34:56;20:04:00:a0:98:12:34:56; na
PortSymb: [64] "NetApp FC Target Port (8324) fcp-svm:fcp-lif-01-0e"
NodeSymb: [29] "NetApp Vserver fcp-svm"
Fabric Port Name: 20:00:50:eb:1a:2b:3c:ed
Permanent Port Name: 50:0a:09:81:12:34:56:78
Port Index: 0
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
Partial: No