NS224 Shelf Fan Failure
Applies to
NS224 shelf
- NS224 shelf status is critical due to fan failure:
::> system node run -node <node> -command storage show fault
Element Status Status Bytes Status Descriptions
1: CRITICAL 02,00,00,70 OFF, FAIL
2: OK 01,07,FF,26
3: OK 01,07,FF,26
4: OK 01,07,FF,26
5: OK 01,07,FF,26
- The following alerts are reported in the event logs:
[Nodename: statd: monitor.shelf.fault:alert]: Critical fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0x. Check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors.
[Nodename: notifyd: asup.post.drop:error]: AutoSupport message (HA Group Notification from Nodename (SHELF COOLING UNIT FAILED) ERROR) was not posted to NetApp. The system will drop the message.
- Environment section example:
Environment section example:
Cooling Units by element:
[1] 0 RPM
[2] 20470 RPM
[3] 20470 RPM