Multiple ports are flapping after ONTAP upgrade
Applies to
SFPs in data network ports
- Multiple data ports flapping in both nodes of the HA pair. Example of continuous messages:
[node_name: mgmt_port_link_status_poll: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable.
[node_name: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:notice]: A link down event was received on node node_name, port e0c.
[node_name: mgmt_port_link_status_poll: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link up.
[node_name: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:notice]: A link up event was received on node node_name, port e0c.
- The issue remains after a port admin down/up change.
- The issue remains after a SFP and cable re-seat in the node.
- The issue remains after a SFP and cable re-seat in the switch side.
- The issue may be noticed during an ONTAP upgrade.