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NetApp Knowledge Base

HA interconnect ports showing in 'network port show'

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Head Upgrade from FAS8040 to FAS8700
  • Head Upgrade from FAS8200 to FAS8300


  • vifmgr.port.shareBd message is logged on EMS log every 5 min:

vifmgr.port.shareBd: Port e0b is shared with the HA or DR interconnect but has been moved from broadcast domain "Cluster" to broadcast domain "-" of IPspace "Default"


  • Ports e0a / e0b show up in network port show, These are designated HA ports and should not appear.
Cluster::> network port show -node Node-1 -port e0a|e0b

Node: Node-1
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
e0a       Cluster      -                -       -  auto/-     -        false
e0b       Cluster      -                -       -  auto/-     -        false


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