Drives for newly added shelves are shown with different stack numbering
Applies to
- FAS8700
- 9.7P10
- DS224C disk shelves
- After adding DS224C disk shelves to a new stack, the installed drives are shown with different stack numbering when being assigned to a controller
Cluster::> storage disk assign -owner <node name> -disk <disk name>
- Before assigning the drives:
Cluster::> disk show
2.11.0 - 11 0 SSD unassigned
2.11.1 - 11 1 SSD unassigned - After assigning the drives:
Cluster::> disk show -node <node name>
3.11.0 3.49TB 11 0 SSD spare Pool0 Node-02
3.11.1 3.49TB 11 1 SSD spare Pool0 Node-02