A700s HA pair has multiple multi-disk panics
Applies to
- AFF A700s
- Ontap 9
- Both nodes receive disk errors on drives in the internal shelf:
Thu Jan 18 18:03:57 +0000 [node-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.notReadyCondition:notice]: Disk device 0c.00.4: Device returns not yet ready: CDB 0x88:00000003abf19ed0:00000008: Sense Data SCSI:not ready - Drive spinning up (0x2 - 0x4 0x1 0x0)(4624).
- One node has a multi disk panic and the other one takes over.
- While in this state, we see the same drive errors and additional multi disk panics on the surviving node.