WAFL inconsistent user data block on Snapmirror destination volume
Applies to
- SnapMirror destination volumes
- A WAFL inconsistent user data block is reported in the destination volume of a SnapMirror relationship, but not on the source one
Wed Dec 02 23:15:00 +0100 [node-01: wafl_exempt03: wafl.raid.incons.userdata:error]: WAFL inconsistent: inconsistent user data block at VBN 55851647798 (vvbn:2027435231 fbn:26787656 level:0) in public inode (fileid:27496 snapid:486 file_type:1 disk_flags:0x8002 error:120 raid_set:1) in volume data_destination@vserver:38eb182d-b366-11e4-bbee-123478563412.
- Disk and shelf firmware is the last revision
- All failed disks reported in the past have been replaced