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NetApp Knowledge Base

ONTAP System Manager displays "The system could not connect to the server because of network issues"

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.7
  • ONTAP System Manager
    • New Experience web user interface


Unable to browse to Network | Ethernet Ports in ONTAP System Manager while using the New Experience web user interface.

Error: The system could not connect to the server because of network issues. Wait for some time and then refresh the browser.

Unable to browse to Network Ethernet Ports

  • Switching ONTAP System Manager back to Classic View allows to open the tab normally.

After head swap the ports e0a and e0b are seen in the network port show  output  as cluster ports, but i am not able to modify them

::> net port modify -node node_02 -port e0b -ipspace Default
(network port modify)
Warning: Changes to a cluster port can affect the health of the Cluster. Are you sure you want to continue? {y|n}: y

 Error: command failed: Failed to modify the admin state of port e0b. Error: The port "e0b" does not exist in the stack.


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