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Is it possible to provide ability to select local tier when creating a volume?

Last Updated:

Applies to

ONTAP System Manager (OSM)


ONTAP System Manager 9.8
  • While creating SVM, volume, or LUN, there is no option to select an aggregate and where it should be placed
  • The default behavior will be to place the aggregate automatically
  • The same needs to be made available for SnapMirror destination
  • An alternative solution is to perform the volume create function from the ONTAP command line.

vol create -vserver <vserver> -volume <volume> -aggregate <aggregate> -size <size> -space-guarantee none

  • Aggregates can be assigned to an SVM to restrict which aggregates System Manager can use to provision volumes. 


vserver modify -vserver <vserver> -aggr-list <desired aggregate(s)>


  1. Access ONTAP System Manager (new experience), click STORAGE > Storage VMs.
  2. Click Edit from the action menu next to the SVM name.
  3. Select Limit volume creation to preferred local tiers, and delete all the others aggregates other than the desired ones, then click Save.
  4. In STORAGE > Volumes, click "+ Add" to add new volume in the specified SVM.
ONTAP System Manager 9.9.1 and Newer

When adding a volume in this release, select the "More Options" button, choose the "Custom" performance service level, and select the "Manual placement" checkbox to choose the desired local tier.


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