CONTAP-114158: Urgency is reported prematurely, on thinly-provisioned Flexgroups, when aggregate free space is less than the Flexgroup constituent size
- FlexGroup urgency is reported prematurely, which can potentially result in performance
degradation. - This is seen running the node level flexgroup show.
Example: Aggregate 1 on node 1 is full so the FlexGroup is full, increasing urgency above 0.
Cluster::> storage aggregate show -aggregate *aggr1
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
aggr1_n1 23.93GB 328.0MB 99% online 4 sti74-vsim- raid_dp,
ucs176i normal
aggr1_n2 23.93GB 23.93GB 0% online 0 sti74-vsim- raid_dp,
ucs176j normal
4 entries were displayed.
Cluster::> volume show -volume fg
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
vs0 fg__0001 sti74_vsim_ucs176i_aggr1
online RW 512MB 0B 100%
vs0 fg__0002 sti74_vsim_ucs176i_aggr1
online RW 512MB 0B 100%
Cluster::> set -privilege diagnostic; node run -node n1 flexgroup show
Idx Member L Used Avail Urgc Target
--- -------- - --------------- ---------- ---- -------
2 1062 L 116555 93% 124519 45% 55.39%