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FabricPool object store unavailable after ONTAP upgrade

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • FabricPool


  • ONTAP is upgraded using Automated Non-disruptive Upgrade (ANDU)
  • Storage nodes are taken over, reboot, and boot with ONTAP successfully upgraded, but they log error that object store is unavailable
Sun Oct 30 10:46:38 -0700 [node11: OscLowPriThreadPool:]: Unable to connect to the object store "StorageGrid_FP" from node xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Reason: Connection unavailable.
  • All object stores attached to all aggregates are unavailable on storage nodes that were rebooted and upgraded, but still available on storage nodes not upgraded yet 
cluster::> storage aggregate object-store show
Aggregate      Object Store Name Availability   Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- -------------  -----------
node10_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    available      primary
node10_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    available      primary
node11_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node11_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node12_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node12_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node03_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node03_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node04_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node04_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    unavailable    primary
node05_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    available      primary
node05_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    available      primary
node09_aggr1   storagegrid_FP    available      primary
node09_aggr2   storagegrid_FP    available      primary
14 entries were displayed.
  • Ping works and nothing is wrong is found on object store provider
  • HTTPS (TCP port 443) is used to communicate to the object store and HTTP (TCP port 80) is not allowed

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