Failed to determine if key manager is safe to disable
Applies to
- External Key Management (EKM)
- Onboard Key Manager (OKM)
Unable to remove Key Management, the following error is displayed from the CLI:
- EKM:
::*> security key-manager delete-kmip-config
Warning: This command will permanently
delete the external key management configuration for Vserver "svm1".
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Error: command failed: Internal error. Failed to determine if keymanager is safe to disable. Reason: Timeout: Operation
"keymanager_encrypted_core_check_iterator::create_imp()" took longer than 25 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "cluster-1a"
(VSID: -1) to mgwd at].
- OKM:
::*> security key-manager onboard disable Error: command failed: Internal error. Failed to determine if keymanager is safe to disable. Reason: Timeout: Operation "keymanager_encrypted_core_check_iterator::create_imp()" took longer than 25 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "cluster-1a" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at].