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NetApp Knowledge Base

Cisco 9336 switch reports back unreasonably high temperature sensor

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Cisco Nexus 9336 switch purchased from NetApp
  • NXOS 10.1(1)
  • NXOS 10.1(2)


  • ONTAP reporting high-temperature alert in system health alert show:

Sensor "module-1 BACK" on switch "SW-A1(XXXXXXXXXX)" is reporting a temperature of 4294967168 C, which is above the critical threshold

  • In show environment, the following is seen
Module   Sensor        MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
(Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)
1        FRONT           80              70          28         Ok
1        BACK            70              42          n/a        Failure
1        CPU             90              80          36         Ok
1        Heavenly        110             90          45         Ok
  • There may be a health alert for SwitchTemperatureCritical_Alert

[Node-1: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchTemperatureCritical_Alert , Alerting Resource = XXXXXXXXXXXX(XXXXXXXXXXXX)/module-1 BACK raised by monitor ethernet-switch


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