Switch health report shows critical status after the status has cleared
Applies to
Brocade switches
Power outage in the environment caused a critical fault on the switch. The power issue was resolved but SANNAV and mapsdb still show the status as faulty.
Switch1:admin> mapsdb --show
1 Dashboard Information:
DB start time: Sat Jun 17 17:37:56 2023
Active policy: dflt_base_policy
Fenced Ports : None
Decommissioned Ports : None
Fenced circuits : N/A
Quarantined Ports : None
Top Zoned PIDs <pid(it-flows)>: 0x011601(15) 0x011201(15) 0x011602(15) 0x011603(15) 0x011202(15)
2 Switch Health Report:
Current Switch Policy Status: CRITICAL
Contributing Factors:
3.1 Summary Report:
Category |Today |Last 7 days |
Port Health |No Errors |In operating range |
Fru Health |In operating range |In operating range |
Security Violations |In operating range |In operating range |
Fabric State Changes |In operating range |In operating range |
Switch Resource |In operating range |In operating range |
Fabric Performance Impact|In operating range |In operating range |
IO Health |In operating range |In operating range |
IO Latency |In operating range |In operating range |
3.2 Rules Affecting Health:
Category(Violation Count)|RepeatCount|Rule Name |Execution Time |Object |Triggered Value(Units)|