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"IT_FLOW" events logged on Brocade switch

Last Updated:

Applies to

Brocade switch


  • "IT-FLOW" events logged under errdump on Brocade switch :

2023/06/18-00:00:16:536399 (IST), [MAPS-2938], 862272/753764, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, BROCADESW, Pid 0x6fc5xx, Condition=ALL_LOCAL_PIDS(IT_FLOW/NONE>16), Current Value:[IT_FLOW, 37 IT-Flow(s)], RuleName=defALL_LOCAL_PIDSIT_FLOW_16, Dashboard Category=Fabric Performance Impact, Quiet Time=None., raslogAction.c, line: 218, comp:md, ltime:2023/06/18-00:00:16:536221
2023/06/18-00:00:16:537623 (IST), [MAPS-2938], 862273/753765, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, BROCADESW, Pid 0x6f7dxx, Condition=ALL_LOCAL_PIDS(IT_FLOW/NONE>16), Current Value:[IT_FLOW, 47 IT-Flow(s)], RuleName=defALL_LOCAL_PIDSIT_FLOW_16, Dashboard Category=Fabric Performance Impact, Quiet Time=None., raslogAction.c, line: 218, comp:md, ltime:2023/06/18-00:00:16:537440

  • defIT_RES_USAGE_P_75 maps alerts triggered:


  • From the mapsdb --show output, we could see that dflt_moderate_policy is the Active policy.

1 Dashboard Information:
DB start time:   Mon May 15 22:10:32 2023
Active policy:   dflt_moderate_policy 
Fenced Ports :   None
Decommissioned Ports :  None
Fenced circuits :  None
Quarantined Ports :  None
Top Zoned PIDs <pid(it-flows)>: 0x6f6dxx(60) 0x6f6cxx(60) 0x6fcbxy(60) 0x6f2dxy(60) 0x6fcbyy(60)

  • In the mapsdb --show output above, it also displays the PID/end-devices having the highest IT_FLOW ratio.  These are also seen in the error log under errdump.

2023/06/18-00:00:16:537623 (IST), [MAPS-2938], 862273/753765, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, BROCADESW, Pid 0x6fcbyy, Condition=ALL_LOCAL_PIDS(IT_FLOW/NONE>16), Current Value:[IT_FLOW, 47 IT-Flow(s)], RuleName=defALL_LOCAL_PIDSIT_FLOW_16, Dashboard Category=Fabric Performance Impact, Quiet Time=None., raslogAction.c, line: 218, comp:md, ltime:2023/06/18-00:00:16:537440


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