Brocade SFP reports Laser_Flt error due to faulty switch end sfp
Applies to
- Brocade Fabric OS (FOS)
- Brocade Fibre Channel (FC) switch
- In
port status isLaser_Flt
Index Slot Port Address Media Speed State Proto
20 1 20 701400 id N16 Laser_Flt FC
output shows Tx as-inf
and Rx in optimal range
Port 41:
Identifier: 3 SFP
Connector: 7 LC
Transceiver: 6801001200000000 8,16,32_Gbps SM lw Long_dist
Vendor Name: BROCADE
Vendor OUI: 00:05:1e
Vendor PN: 57-1000486-01
Vendor Rev: B
Temperature: 31 Centigrade
Current: 0.000 mAmps
Voltage: 3333.7 mVolts
RX Power: -0.7 dBm (843.9uW)
TX Power: -inf dBm (0.0 uW)
- portshow output shows the following-
portshow 1
portDisableReason: None
portCFlags: 0x1
portFlags: 0x4441
LocalSwcFlags: 0x0
portType: 27.0
POD Port: Port is licensed
portState: 2 Offline
Protocol: FC
portPhys: 3 Laser_Flt
portScn: 2 Offline
port generation number: 76
state transition count: 18
- “
” state with Tx showing as-inf
indicate that switch SFP is faulty - In order to further isolate this issue, try to reseat the sfp and check the status.
- In case the port encounters same error again, proceed with the solution.