Brocade switch ports flaps and goes automatically disabled
Applies to
- All Brocade switch hardware platforms
- All Brocade Fabric Operating System (FOS) firmware levels
- Brocade switch port being faulted switch disables the port to prevent flapping
- Under switchshow, port state shows as "No_sync" or "No_Module"
errdump -a
WARNING, Brocade Fabric 1, Port 4 Faulted because of many Link Failures.
2022/03/17-21:47:29, [MAPS-2030], 1507, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, NETAPP_FAB1, slot6 port4, F-Port 6/4, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>3), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 4], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSSTATE_CHG_3, Dashboard Category=Port Health. 2022/03/17-21:47:41, [MAPS-2030], 1508, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, NETAPP_FAB1, slot6 port4, F-Port 6/4, Condition=ALL_OTHER_F_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>5), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 6], RuleName=defALL_OTHER_F_PORTSSTATE_CHG_5, Dashboard Category=Port Health. 2022/03/23-14:25:14, [MAPS-2030], 1571, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, NETAPP_FAB1, slot6 port4, F-Port 6/4, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>3), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 4], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSSTATE_CHG_3, Dashboard Category=Port Health. 2022/03/23-15:42:50, [MAPS-2030], 1581, SLOT 1 | FID 128, WARNING, NETAPP_FAB1, slot6 port4, F-Port 6/4, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(STATE_CHG/min>3), Current Value:[STATE_CHG, 4], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSSTATE_CHG_3, Dashboard Category=Port Health.
64 4 4 150400 -- N32 No_Module FC Disabled
140 3 28 668c40 id N32 No_Sync FC Disabled
indicates Tx is extremely low than the recommended one
sfpshow -all
RX Power: -2.1 dBm (623.1uW)
TX Power: -6.2 dBm (237.3 uW)
indicatesRx & Tx are in optimal range
RX Power: -1.9 dBm (652.9uW)
TX Power: -0.3 dBm (939.5 uW)