OCI or Cloud Insights fails to connect to or add E-Series datasource
Applies to
- OnCommand Insight (OCI) 7.3.X
- Cloud Insight (CI)
- E-series data source
Unable to add E-series datasource in OnCommand Insight and it fails with the following error:
Inventory recent status : Error connecting: Failed to connect to device
Cloud Insight fails with the following error:
Error connecting: Failed to connect to device
Error in OCI foundation Logs:
2019-02-14 01:22:23,387 ERROR [com.onaro.sanscreen.acquisition.datasource.engenio_santricity_api.transport.EngenioManagementPat h] Could not open address ipaddress, Connection refused: connect java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
2019-02-14 01:22:24,526 ERROR
[com.onaro.sanscreen.acquisition.framework.datasource.BaseDataSource] hostname [Error
connecting] - Failed to connect to device (Failed to connect to device)
com.onaro.sanscreen.acquisition.framework.datasource.DataSourceErrorException: Failed to connect
to device
Configuration: Failed to ping
Configuration: Failed to ping Configuration: Failed to log into device - Failed to connect to device.