E-Series 25GB iSCSI SFP fails and reports as unsupported in SANtricity System Manager using SANtricity OS 11.60.2
Applies to
- E28xx, E57xx and corresponding EF series.
- 25GB iSCSI SFP Models:
- 25GB iSCSI host interface card (HIC).
- SANtricity OS 11.60.2
E-Series 25GB iSCSI SFP models listed above fail and report as unsupported if inserted in the 25GB iSCSI HIC with SANtricity OS 11.60.2.
Major Event Log
Event type: 2864
Event category: Internal
Priority: Critical
Event needs attention: true
Event send alert: true
Event visibility: true
Description: Host-side SFP unsupported
Recovery Guru
Component reporting problem: SFP in
Status: Failed
Attached to: Host-side of controller A