E-Series AutoSupport not working on any protocol
Applies to
- NetApp E-Series
- ADSL Connection with PPPOE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
AutoSupport does not work with any protocol (HTTP, HTTPS or SMTP) and fails with the following errors:
- From the SANtricity GUI when testing:
java.net.SocketTimeoutExeption: Read timed out
- From the web-server-trace.log:
ERROR [jetty-1810] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:752] [requestId=52bcce24-246d-4333-b40d-af085be5a622, deviceId=1] Socket read/write failed
c.l.a.w.u.ChainedTrustManager [ChainedTrustManager.java:198] [requestId=d2c5af46-3220-4f0d-af47-d9912c6f0679, deviceId=1] CertificateException caught:
java.security.cert.CertificateException: myTrust is empty
When using SMTP: trace [LoggingJdkHandler.java:32] [requestId=0, deviceId=1] [devmgr.dmv.SMTPMessageInvoker validateSMTPServerReply] Unexpected return code received for Handshake command
- From HTTP sniffer traffic performed on the firewall:
- When inspecting firewall sniffer trace, a connection is being made towards the AutoSupport server, some data gets send, but in the end fails.