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NetApp Knowledge Base

E-Series Drive by-passed - AutoSupport Message

Last Updated:

Applies to

NetApp E-Series

Event Summary

SANtricity reports a Failure Entry 1: BYPASSED_DRIVE-Recovery Failure Type Code: 64  entry in the Recovery GURU.


  1. Login to SANtricity Storage Manager or SANtricity System Manager
  2. Verify if Failure Entry 1: BYPASSED_DRIVE-Recovery Failure Type Code: 64 is reported
  3. Verify from the Hardware page if the disk shows as bypassed


For a single drive

  1. Unseat the by-passed drive for 2 minutes
  2. Reseat the drive
  3. If the drive remains by-passed, contact NetApp Technical Support as this will require further troubleshooting or a part replacement.

For multiple drives and/or a completely new system

  1. Verify from any of the below knowledge base articles for further steps:


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