What is the maximum number of parts per upload for StorageGRID S3 multipart upload?
Applies to
StorageGrid adheres to the same maximum number of parts per upload as the Amazon S3 multipart upload limits, which is capped at 10,000 parts.
Additional Information
If the number of multipart upload parts exceeds 10,000:
- The client end reports an HTTP 400 error.
- StorageGRID records:
S3RQ: S3 error response: RequestId=1702217966647135, TraceId=874751bd207c4fb6, Resource=/bucket/object?partNumber=10001&uploadId=a4_JJZg0GjRtofvyrRq53jBlLzDP_Pj0H8mNeRa-AGBTeqmsQ25BOJYtig, HTTP Method=PUT, HTTP Status Code=400, X-Forwarded-For: '', ErrorMsg=InvalidArgument, ErrorType=Client, CustomErrorMessage={Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000, inclusive (part number supplied was 10001)}, Details={Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000, inclusive (part number supplied was 10001)}