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StorageGRID S3 listing API can trigger loop that keeps making queries and never terminates

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Applies to

NetApp StorageGRID pre-


  • Request latency increases while request rate and throughput decreases
  • Support > Diagnostics page on GMI (Grid Management Interface) showing multiple Cassandra issues on one or more Storage Nodes

Note: Cassandra issues could be queues too large, request timeouts, dropped messages, read latency, etc

NetApp StorageGRID

  • High CPU usage on one or more nodes (Go to Support > Metrics > Grafana > Node (Internal Use) on GMI)
  • CPU utilization is nearing 100%:

NetApp StorageGRID

  • Most CPU resource is consumed by Cassandra

NetApp StorageGRIDcpu-by-service.png

  • Client CQL Requests increase significantly (Go to Support > Metrics > Grafana > Cassandra Cluster Overview on GMI)

NetApp StorageGRID


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