StorageGRID System cannot write data anymore
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID
- Put requests are failing
- Unable to write data to the system
root@NodeName:~# s3cmd put testfile s3://NodeName/
upload: 'testfile' -> 's3://NodeName/testfile' [part 1 of 29, 15MB] [1 of 1] 15728640 of 15728640 100% in 0s 82.23 MB/s done
WARNING: Upload failed: /testfile?partNumber=1&uploadId=MtVsEXpVEUeJnvrk8-iTblgh1MLgoq-ibXPQw9oHoB_d2dwXaK7H_aCZpQ (500 (InternalError): We encountered an internal error. Please try again.)
WARNING: Waiting 3 sec..