Object Store unavailable in Fabric Pool configuration
Applies to
- Fabric Pool
- StorageGRID 11.3
- SG6000
Object Store unavailable from ONTAP perspective, causing loss of access:
object.store.unavailable: Unable to connect to the object store
StorageGRID bycast.log may also show I/O errors similar to example below:
Jan 11 12:11:50 DC1-S1 ADE: |12851476 2897951936 OBDR #ARI 2020-06-11T16:10:56.858748| WARNING 0057 DPKS: CBID A431E1566F7C7717: Couldn't open local direct location [CLDI:[NOID(UI32):12351476][VOLI(UI64):2137487499]]@1535753814460759 at /var/local/rangedb/B/p/0F/00/A431E1566F7C7717p, Input/output error