ONTAP FabricPool is unable to connect to StorageGRID object store due to temporary network issue
Applies to
- StorageGRID 11.x
- ONTAP FabricPool
The following object.store.unavailable
alert is detected temporarily with a reason of Operation Timedout
or Connection Unavailable
Sun Jun 02 01:22:27 +0800 [<Node>: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.unavailable:EMERGENCY]: Unable to connect to the object store "<Node>" from node <Node_ID>. Reason: Operation Timedout.
Sun Jun 02 01:22:29 +0800 [<Node>: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.available:notice]: Able to connect to the object store "<Node>" from node <Node_ID>.
Sun Jun 02 01:22:27 +0800 [<Node>: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.unavailable:EMERGENCY]: Unable to connect to the object store "<Node>" from node <Node_ID>. Reason: Connection Unavailable.
Sun Jun 02 01:22:29 +0800 [<Node>: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.available:notice]: Able to connect to the object store "<Node>" from node <Node_ID>.