While mounting a snapshot as a datastore and attaching VMDK to VM, ReconfigVM_Task fails with timeout
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server (SCSQL)
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV)
- While mounting a backup Snapshot as a datastore and attaching VMDK to VM, attaching VMDK fails with timeout
- SCSQL verification job keeps running without succeeded
in SCV indicatesReconfig VM Task failed
with timeout and invalid configuration:
DEBUG <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VirtualMachineService : [JobId:<JOB_ID>] Attaching disk 60 00 C2 99 91 22 b2 8d-9f 20 24 05 29 19 15 49 using path [<PATH>] <PATH>.vmdk
DEBUG <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VirtualMachineService : [JobId:<JOB_ID>] Attaching vd.unitNumber 8 vd.controllerKey 1000vd.key 2008
DEBUG <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : VsphereUtils: Monitoring Task ReconfigVM_Task
DEBUG <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : VsphereUtils:State=error(0%)
ERROR <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : Operation timed out.
ERROR <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VirtualMachineService : [JobId:<JOB_ID>] ERROR:- Reconfig VM Task failed: Operation timed out.
ERROR <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VsphereService : Invalid configuration for device '0'.
ERROR <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.v.VirtualMachineService : [JobId:<JOB_ID>] ERROR:- Reconfig VM Task failed: Invalid configuration for device '0'.
ERROR <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.s.p.CreateCloneManager : [JobId:<JOB_ID>] ERROR:- Reconfig VM Task failed: Invalid configuration for device '0'.
ERROR <SCV_HOST> --- [ qtp85445963-19] c.n.a.s.p.CreateCloneManager : [JobId:<JOB_ID>] Failed to Mount/Attach Disk:- ERROR:- Reconfig VM Task failed: Invalid configuration for device '0'.