SnapCenter backup fails with the error "PL-SCO-20032: canExecute operation failed with error: PL-SCO-20009"
Applies to
- Snapcenter 4.X
- SnapCenter for Oracle (SCO) plugin
Backup fails with the following error in the SnapManagerWeblog:
PL-SCO-20032: canExecute operation failed with error: PL-SCO-20009: Operation failed. The database SID TEST might be in use by another SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database operation
Resource <Database_SID> will be skipped for the current job <job_id>, as there is already a job <old_job_id> running for this resource
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_123692 PID=[4844] TID=[152] Failed to lock object. Error: Resource <Database_SID> will be skipped for the current job <job_id>, as there is already a job old_job_id> running for this resource