SnapCenter Plugin for VMware remote clone operation fails " An error occurred while cloning RDM based disk. Failed to Map virtual disk: Invalid configuration for device 0"
Applies to
SnapCenter Plugin for VMware
SnapCenter Plugin for VMware (SCV) remote clone operation fails with the following error:
Error SDW PID=[PROCESS ID] TID=[TASK ID] Failed to delete virtual disk: Error Deleting Raw Device Mapping - could not find the Raw Device mapping on ESX Server at VirtualizationAPI.CVirtualServer.UnmapVirtualDisk(String strLunSerialNo, Boolean bOwner, Boolean bEsxIscsi)
at SnapDrive.Nsf.Core.VMWareHelper.DeleteRawDeviceMapping(String strLunSerialNo, Boolean bOwner, Boolean bIsEsxISCSI)
Verbose SDW PID=[PROCESS ID] TID=[TASK ID] --VMWareHelper::DeleteRawDeviceMapping
Error SDW PID=[PROCESS ID] TID=[TASK ID] Failed to delete virtual disk. Details: Failed to delete virtual disk: Error Deleting Raw Device Mapping - could not find the Raw Device mapping on ESX Server
Verbose SDW PID=[PROCESS ID] TID=[TASK ID] --VMWareRDMProvisioningStrategy::DeleteVirtualDiskLocally
Error SDW PID=[PROCESS ID] TID=[TASK ID] Failed to delete virtual disk. Details: Failed to delete virtual disk: Error Deleting Raw Device Mapping - could not find the Raw Device mapping on ESX Server
Error SDW PID=[PROCESS ID] TID=[TASK ID] An error occurred while cloning RDM based disk. Failed to Map virtual disk: Invalid configuration for device '0'.