SnapCenter Plug-Ins: backups fail to find SnapMirror or SnapVault relationships
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC)
- SnapCenter Plug-In for SQL (SCSQL)
- SnapCenter Plug-In for Exchange (SCE)
- SnapCenter Plug-In for VMware vSphere (SCV)
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle
- SnapCenter backups fail to find SnapMirror or SnapVault relationships that exist in ONTAP.
- The error below is seen in the
C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\log\SMCore_###.log
ERROR SMCore_#### PID=[####] TID=[##] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Unable to find SnapMirror destination(s). Error: No SnapMirror relationships were found. Resolution: Please make sure that secondary storage systems are registered and host can resolve them correctly.)
- Same error can be seen in SCV
[ERR] Failed to run a command NetApp.DataProtection.Storage.CommandAPI.ConnectNcController, Exception:Either HTTP or HTTPS must be specified
Either HTTP or HTTPS must be specified
[ERR] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Unable to find SnapMirror destination(s). Error: No SnapMirror relationships were found. Resolution: Please make sure that secondary storage systems are registered and host can resolve them correctly.)
[ERR] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Unable to find SnapMirror destination for the source volume(s) <sourceSVM:sourceVolume>)
- SCV Job Details shows error.
SnapVault update failed for the relationship [<relationship_path>] with error: Snapshot copy '<snapshot_name>' not found on the SnapVault destination <destination-path>
Error: No SnapVault destination found for <SVMname> : <volumename>