SnapCenter Plug-In for Oracle database discovery unexpected connection occurred
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- Category:
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- snapx
- Last Updated:
- 12/22/2023, 8:41:11 PM
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-In for Oracle
When performing a SnapCenter Plug-In for Oracle backup or discovery it fails with the following errors
PL-SCO-20006: Discovery of database files failed for database NTAP1 on host <hostname> with error Operation Exception occured during oracle databaseconnection, reason: Unexpected Operation occured. Operation Exception occured during oracle databaseconnection, reason: Unexpected Operation occurred.
PL-SCO-20036: Discovery of database instance <database_ID> failed with error: Operation Exception occured during oracle databaseconnection, reason: Unexpected Operation occured.])
EXE-00001: Shell result [0:00:00.221] (Exit Value: 127): -ksh: ./../plugins/sco/bin/launch-java: not found
DEBUG DisRes-NTAP1 c.n.c.l.MessageBundle - Loading resource bundle from com/netapp/common/remote/remote-messages for com.netapp.common.remote.MsgKey
ERROR DisRes-NTAP1 c.n.c.r.RemoteObjectFactoryFactory - REMOTE-00001: Unable to connect to spawned helper process. Error: -ksh: ./../plugins/sco/bin/launch-java: not found
ERROR DisRes-NTAP1 c.n.o.c.c.AbstractDatabaseService - JDBC exception from AbstractDatabaseService:REMOTE-00001: Unable to connect to spawned helper process. Error: -ksh: ./../plugins/sco/bin/launch-java: not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: REMOTE-00001: Unable to connect to spawned helper process. Error: -ksh: ./../plugins/sco/bin/launch-java: not found